Google +1’s Amazing Correlation with Higher Search Rankings

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SEO Moz finds a very high correlation between a higher rankings and Google + activity. In fact, according to SEO Moz, after Page Authority, a URL’s number of Google +1s is more highly correlated with search rankings than any other factor. Here’s a summation of the benefits of Google +Google Plus

1. Posts are crawled and indexed almost immediately

2. Google+ posts pass link equity

3. Google+ is optimized for semantic relevance

If you have not set up and linked your website to Google +, now is the time. Google + was made with SEO in mind, take advantage of the benefits. Read the rest of the article and get started today!

Google +1’s Amazing Correlation with Higher Search Rankings – Moz.


It appears as though Google’s Matt Cutts has come decided to weigh in on the Moz study by stating “Google Plus posts do not influence a website’s ranks. He also made similar comments about facebook posts. Read the rest of the article here:


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